
Parenting is guiding and caring for a child from infancy to adulthood by supporting and promoting their intellectual, social, physical, and emotional development.

How a child is influenced and developed by parenting is a complex process which includes various specific behaviors that work individually and together to develop a child.

A simple definition of parenting is the preparing for a child to leave home by training and teaching, so they can survive and prosper on their own.

Father with Son

The activity of raising a child is the definition of parenting, rather then the biological relationship, of which sometimes there is none.

Normally parenting is done by the biological parents with some input from society and government institutions.

Parental care is received by orphaned or abandoned children, most often by non-parent blood relatives.

Those children who do not have someone to care for them may be adopted, placed in an orphanage, or raised by foster parents.

No two parents raise their children in the same way which does not seem to make a difference as long as the parents are sincere and united in their efforts with a genuine love and concern for them.

Some of the basic necessities for a good home environment would be; physical security, intellectual security, physical development, intellectual development, emotional security, and emotional development.

The responsibilities of the parents would be to provide an environment in which these basic needs could be provided.

Here are some parental responsibilities to meet the needs of a child.

Parents should provide physical safety in the form of clothes, shelter, and nourishment.

Mother with Daughter

Parents need to develop habits of health by teaching them to exercise and giving them the means to develop physically and or physical activity.

Parents should provide an environment that does not condone abuse, threat, or fear but rather respect, justice, and peace.

Parenting should teach etiquette, social skills, reading, writing, general education, support school learning, moral and spiritual development, ethics, value system, and social norms.

Parents should provide a loving atmosphere that lets them feel needed and welcome and that gives encouragement, emotional support, hugging, caressing, and touch.

Parenting should teach them to show kindness, empathy, and compassion to older, younger, weaker, and sicker, people.

Children should also be taught to show respect and care for others such as grandparents etc.

For more information on parenting go to which is a great site or and for more needed resources try

To those who want to be better parents can be a handy resource or and for additional resources try