News is communication of new events or facts that have currently
taken place or is now unfolding. These events or facts can be
communicated or presented by word of mouth, print, internet or
broadcast to others, whether one individual or a large
audience. News
Google News
Keep up to date with news from google, one of the largest
American companies that receives it's revenue from advertising.
Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded google at Stanford University
when attending as students. Google News
CNN News
Follow the news with CNN ( Cable News Network ) which rates as
the number two cable news network in the United States with Fox
News being number one. Ted Turner founded CNN in 1980 which was
the first network to provide 24hour coverage of the news and the
first television network to be all news. CNN News
For more news turn to MSNBC which is based in the United States
and gives 24hour cable news that is available in the U.S. and
Canada. In 1996 MSNBC and through two partnerships
where founded by the NBC unit of General Electric, now known as
NBC Universal, and Microsoft. MSNBC News