Education Articles:
Animals are from the Kingdom Animalia also known as Metazoa from
a primary group of largely multicellular also known as
eukaryotic organisms. As they mature their body blue print
becomes established although a few go thru a process of
development later in their life span.
Birds are warm-blooded (endothermic) animals with wings, two
legs and feet (bipedal) that lay eggs. They are the most
numerous of the tetrapod (4 limbed) vertebrates with about
10,000 species living today. Birds inhabit all regions and
countries across the earth from the Antartic to the Arctic.
They range in size from the 2 inch Bee Hummingbird to the
Ostrich of about 10 feet.
Education is a change in the mind, physical ability or
character of a person thru an act or experience or revelation.
A more technical description of education is the technique
society has of handing down accumulated knowledge, values
and skills to future generations.